It’s mid-June and things are really happening in my garden. Just about everything is planted and thriving.

This San Marzano Tomato looks really lush, especially because it took some frost damage last month. Now it’s got a flower!

Tall Tomato

This overhead shot shows how fabulous our salads have been, all that lettuce and dill. The beets are still babies though.

Beets overhead

Shrouded in mystery here are the new plantings of summer squash, zucchini and cucumbers. Covering them will protect them from the squash bug and the two types of cucumber beetles: striped and spotted. They love to destroy our crops. Plant early, plant late and cover is our coping method.

Garden under wraps


The garlic has scapes! I need to cut them off so the bulbs can fatten. I also want to get in there and do some weeding. You have to be careful no to disturb the garlic however.

Great Garlic

And soon there will be peas. They have thin pods which will swell with sweet June peas, one of the best reasons for having a garden. Besides Tomatoes, of course.

Peas a plenty


And potatoes. Here is Ricky the cat guarding them, or looking for a cool, shady spot to nap. He always has a slightly worried look.


Ricky Guarding the Garden