Just trying to catch up with my blogging and posting!

Here are some other Miriam’s Garden columns published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It’s such a honor to write for the PG and my column is now in it’s 6th year! My garden is in it’s 17th year, which is even more amazing. And guess what, we don’t have the 17-year cicadias yet. That’s next year. This year we have my new book, and traveling around and promoting it has been wonderful. Nice to meet people and sign books, have them taste Heirloom Tomato Jam. I’ve gotten great response and rewarding reviews! Makes me love tomatoes even more.

Here is my book in the shop at the Tryon Palace, a historical site in beautiful New Bern, North Carolina, a little town on a big river. New Bern is also and the home of Pepsi Cola.



I also toured the Tryon Palace Kitchen Gardens with Janet Loader, who graciously showed me around. Look at these artichokes! I can’t grow them in Pennsylvania.



Learn more about all this in this story, about the beginning of my garden and some serious garden envy.

Please click on this link: First Glimpse of the Garden

My next story is about onions, the phases of the moon and some words of wisdom from an Old Yankee Farmer. It also contains yet another amazing illustration from my good friend Dan Marsula. He always makes me look good!

It also features a fabulous recipe that I got from the Mario, the chef at the Vegetable Restaurant in Eataly. When I’m in NYC I often go there for a wonderful meal. This was one of the best things ever: Farro with Asparagus and Pea Puree. Excepting, of course, a vine-ripened Tomato!


To read the story and get the recipe, please click on this link: On the Dark Side of the Moon